Nicholas Fraser

Glazing Over


clear varnish

wall installation

at Taller Boricua, East Harlem

9' x 12'



A transparent text, never entirely visible without shifting position, relates an internal monologue on the common problem of forgetting someone.


From an artist’s position, such lapses in networking skills are anxious moments and the text reflects this consciousness of the marketplace, the artist’s position in that market and the fatigue this can elicit.

Glazing Over

clear varnish, wall installation at Taller Boricua, East Harlem, 9' x 12', 2010


A transparent text, never entirely visible without shifting position, relates an internal monologue on the common problem of forgetting someone.


From an artist’s position, such lapses in networking skills are anxious moments and the text reflects this consciousness of the marketplace, the artist’s position in that market and the fatigue this can elicit.